Anticipated results
Diagnostic analysis of the doctoral studies – based on a complex sociological research; Defining a doctoral school model by consulting decision-makers, partners and experts; Testing out the doctoral school model in the partner universities and validating it; Conceiving a new-doctoral studies policy.
WP1. Constructing the development frame R1.1. Recommendations regarding the construction of doctoral schools / the structure of national doctoral system R 1.2.Institutional model for the organisation framework of the doctoral schools R 1.3. Specific procedures for the admission, assessment, and the professional development of doctoral candidates R 1.4. Set of indicators assessing the quality of doctoral schools/programs and related procedures R 1.5. Curriculum framework for doctoral study programs R 1.6. Doctoral school training modulesR 1.7. Accreditation procedures for doctoral school R 1.8. Integrated model of doctoral school WP 2. Doctoral School Model Validation R 2.1. Doctoral school piloting procedures R 2.2. Recommendations for the improvement of the doctoral school modelR 2.3. Validated doctoral school model WP 3. Project management WP 4. Communication R 4.1. Visual Identity guidebook R 4.2. Communication strategy
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